

Below is a summary of resources for crisis intervention recommended by the British Columbia Victim Assistance Program:

Government and Community Resources

local police departments (Burnaby RCMP –
• sexual assault centres (Sexual Assault Service (
• victim assistance programs (Crime Victim Assistance Program – Province of British Columbia:
• Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health – Province of British Columbia (
• emergency departments at local hospitals (Contact us – Fraser Health Authority)
• local Ministry of Social Services offices for emergency financial aid (Crisis Supplement – Province of British Columbia:
• crisis centres and crisis lines (Crisis Lines – Crisis Centre BC)
• women’s centres (B.C. Women’s Hospital & Health Centre ( Surrey Women’s Centre Society – Ending Violence BC)
• transition houses, emergency shelters, and safe houses (Transition Houses & Safe Homes List | BC Housing)
• aboriginal counselling and referral centres (Indigenous Health and Wellness Clinic – Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre (
• multicultural and immigrant-serving agencies (MOSAIC | Settlement and Employment Services for Newcomers:
• advocacy and service organizations for the physically and mentally disabled (DABC:



This is a toll-free 24-hour helpline available anywhere in British Columbia for victims of family and sexual violence. It gives information and referrals on the local community resources available in the victim’s area. It is also a useful resource for victim service workers who need resource information.

VictimLINK can provide assistance in 110 languages.

Crime Victim Assistance Program
604-660-3888 in Greater Vancouver
1-866-660-3888 toll free for elsewhere in BC

If a victim of any crime has been physically hurt, had to miss work or pay for treatment not covered by insurance or a medical plan, she/he may be able to receive money to cover some costs.

In addition, some or all professional counselling fees (if applicable) may also be covered.

Application Protocol:

  1. Register and apply for benefits under the Crime Victim Assistance Act by calling 604-660-3888 in Greater Vancouver or elsewhere in BC toll free 1-866-660-3888.
  2. Crime Victim Assistance Program will assign a claims coordinator who will collect necessary information, such as reports from medical practitioners and police, to determine eligibility.
  3. Once approved, CVAP will confirm funding with the therapist (if a name has been given by the client) and then the therapist can bill CVAP directly.

Resources Disclaimer:

The above list of referral agencies is intended solely for your convenience. No implied warranty is made concerning the quality of services offered by them and you should therefore make your own determination for the suitability of any such agency and the services offered by them. If you need help finding resources, please contact us.