Step Into Wholeness

Counselling and Support to help victims of sexual assault find their strength and move forward.

✓  Be Heard

✓  Be Seen

✓  Be Validated

It’s never too early or too late to find support after a sexual assault.

Those who have been victimized by sexual crimes often feel paralyzed by fear, anxiety, and loss of control. But with help you can find yourself again.

When you’re ready, we’re here.

Rape Victims Support Network

Because we believe every survivor deserves professional counselling & support.

Professional Counselling

Appointments and referrals with compassionate trauma specialists.

Resource Referrals

A wide network of supports and services in the Vancouver Area.


“If this uninvited event has impacted your ability to function and sense of who you are, you are not alone. We’re here to remove barriers and get you the counselling you need. With help, you can regain the confidence and strength to get your life back on track.”

Doreen Yung
RVSN Program Director

Own Your Story

Find a safe place to tell your story – at your own pace. You’re always in the driver’s seat, exploring the support options that feel right for you.

Reclaim Control

Learn techniques and tools to work through the trauma. Find the power to name your pain and reduce its impact on your life.

Rediscover Your Life

Counselling helps you gain a new perspective on who you are today. It’s possible to heal and anticipate a safe, healthy future.

Discover Life and Freedom

When you’ve been victimized by sexual assault, it’s understandable to feel like you’ve lost a piece of yourself. Complicated thoughts, feelings, and reactions are common after a sexual assault. After all, this event has taken your life down a path you never anticipated or asked for.

We believe every survivor deserves to regain control over their life, free from the grip of fear and insecurity. However, accessing specialized counselling and support can be challenging. That’s why the Rape Victims Support Network has been breaking down barriers and standing alongside courageous survivors for over thirty years.

Whether it’s been days or decades since the assault, you can reclaim the power and confidence that was taken from you. Rebuilding your life starts with a simple yet brave call to our compassionate team. When you’re ready, we’re here for you.

So take that first step with a confidential call. You don’t have to struggle alone anymore; instead, find your strength, know your worth, and gain control of your life.